Plastic Repair System (PRS), a multinational company specialising in the repair, maintenance and adaptation of returnable transport containers (RPCs), has decided to calculate the Carbon Footprint (greenhouse gas emissions) associated with the services it offers.
To carry out this study, Plastic Repair System has had the support of the GAIKER technology centre, a member of the Basque Research & Technology Alliance (BRTA), as this is a field of knowledge in which it has extensive experience. The calculations have been carried out in accordance with ISO 14067:2018, an international reference standard.
The Carbon Footprint is an indicator that shows how a certain product or activity affects global warming, making it possible to monitor its evolution over time, as well as to identify the aspects that most affect this environmental impact, in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. The results obtained make it possible to lay the foundations for adopting measures to effectively reduce these emissions.
The thermowelding repair service offered by Plastic Repair System, a circular economy company founded in 2011, allows high efficiency in the recovery of quality plastic elements, extending their useful life and minimising the generation of waste. All this has a great impact on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and, consequently, on the Carbon Footprint.
It is necessary to take into account that one of Plastic Repair System’s objectives, in addition to reducing its Carbon Footprint, is to provide information on GHG emissions (Greenhouse Gases) to its customers. Consequently, and in order to provide solid results, the calculated Carbon Footprint has been verified by DNV. Thus, this data, calculated in accordance with the standard and verified by a recognised reference entity, will enable Plastic Repair System’s customers to have the necessary information to quantify the greenhouse gas emissions of their products’ entire life cycle, in order to make informed decisions.
The know-how of the GAIKER technology centre has been key throughout this process, not only in evaluating the contribution to climate change, providing the necessary tools and databases, but also in transferring the work methodologies to the company, and in identifying potential improvements.
According to the company’s own calculations, throughout 2021, PRS has managed to recover 2,830Tn of plastic, which is estimated to have contributed to avoiding the emission of 10,524Tn of CO2 into Spain’s atmosphere.